Wild Cultivation with Nancy Turner

Nancy Turner is a living legend in our area.  Her work on indigenous botany and traditional knowledge has helped all of us to understand how to relate to the BC environment and the BC first nations. Nancy has graciously agreed to come to Metchosin on Friday, January 18, to talk about traditional plant management as part of the Talk and Walk series. Please join us if you can (and come early if you want a seat).

Witty’s Sand Spit walk



Pippi Lawn gave a great talk on Friday night.  She reviewed the work that she and her teams had done on Sidney spit, restoring native plants.

On Saturday morning (Nov 17) a large group showed up at the end of Witty’s Lagoon Road to join Pippi for a walk around Witty’s spit.  Pippi talked about some of the lessons learned–both positive and negative–during the Sidney Spit restoration.

Metchosin Talk and Walk Series

Welcome to the Metchosin Talk and Walk website.

Until the fall of 2018, the Talk and Walks (102 of them over a twelve-year period) were organized by Moralea Milne. Since then, the Metchosin Biodiversity Project, which Moralea helped to start and which runs the Metchosin BioBlitzes and MycoBlitzes, has been organizing the Talk and Walk series. Click here to view a list of all the talk and walks speakers to date.

In the spring of 2020, given the restrictions imposed by the coronovirus pandemic, the Metchosin Biodiversity Project suspended the series. We have now resumed the series. The talks are advertized on our main site and via our email list (If you have been receiving our emails, you are our list. To put your email address on the list–or register a new email address–select “Subscribe to email list” from the menu above.)