Many of those who attended Nancy Turners talk on “Wild Cultivation” asked for a copy of her slides. Nancy has generously agreed to share them with us. Click on the accompanying image to view the PDF-formatted slides.
Nancy Turner came to our Talk and Walk in January 2019 and shared with us some of her ethnobotanical work on first nations technology and practice. Below is a video of Nancy prepared by Hakai. In it, Nancy talks about our native sword fern.
On Saturday, Metchosin’s own ethnobotanist, Fiona Hamersley-Chambers (a graduate student of Nancy’s), led a walk along high-tide Witty’s beach. Two dozen people turned out to see the evidence of indigenous land management pointed out by Fiona.
On Saturday, Metchosin’s own ethnobotanist, Fiona Hamersley-Chambers (a graduate student of Nancy’s), led a walk along high-tide Witty’s beach. Two dozen people turned out to see the evidence of indigenous land management pointed out by Fiona.
Nancy Turner is a living legend in our area. Her work on indigenous botany and traditional knowledge has helped all of us to understand how to relate to the BC environment and the BC first nations. Nancy has graciously agreed to come to Metchosin on Friday, January 18, to talk about traditional plant management as part of the Talk and Walk series. Please join us if you can (and come early if you want a seat).